Where to get Croagunk and Toxicroak

Croagunk and Toxicroak are among the returning creatures in the Paldea region of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Since they are the first Poison and Fighting-type Pokemon to be introduced in the series, many trainers may want to add them to their team.

Croagunk and Toxicroak are among the returning creatures in the Paldea region of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Since they are the first Poison and Fighting-type Pokemon to be introduced in the series, many trainers may want to add them to their team.

Given the open-world approach of these Nintendo Switch games, the path every player chooses to take will always be different. While this is a great gameplay choice, it makes finding certain creatures a bit more challenging.

Thankfully, there are still many places in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet where players can encounter Croagunk and Toxicroak. Some of these locations can be easily accessed early in one's playthrough.

Trainers should also keep a few factors in mind if they intend to use Croagunk and Toxicroak on their teams.

Croagunk and Toxicroak can easily be found in the wild in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

To find Croagunk in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, players must head to either of these areas:

  • South of Casseroya Lake (West Province Area Two)
  • Southern Wetlands (South Province Area Five)

Many Croagunk freely roam these areas, so players can easily battle and catch one. For those who may still have issues finding Croagunk in the wild, it may help to have a picnic and make a sandwich with Poison Encounter Power. This can be made using green peppers, noodles, and horseradish.

Players looking to catch Croagunk as soon as possible may want to opt for the Southern Wetlands. Finding the Pokemon in this location only requires players to complete the story until the treasure hunt begins. There are also lower-leveled creatures in the area, so it is much safer to look here as opposed to South of Casseroya Lake.

Croagunk evolves into Toxicroak at level 37, which may sound a bit steep compared to other creatures in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. This level can easily be achieved through the use of EXP Candies, which can be found across Paldea and can be earned through Tera Raid Battles.

For those who want Toxicroak to complete the Pokedex rather than use it in their party, catching one in the wild may be more beneficial.

To find a Toxicroak in the wild, players need the ability to travel on water. This can be achieved by completing missions in the Herba Mystica questline.

Once players receive the ability to traverse water in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, they must make their way to Casseroya Lake. Toxicroak is most commonly found on any of the smaller islands in the area. Trainers may also find one overseeing an army of five Croagunks that they can auto-battle for a boost in Attack EVs.

In terms of how effective Toxicroak is in battle, players should keep it far away from Psychic-type Pokemon. This is because both of its typings share a weakness to the element.

With Toxicroak's low special defense, it can easily be knocked out with one super-effective hit. Aside from this shortcoming, its attacking power and movepool make it quite potent in most fights.

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