The Bachelor Australia 2016: Megan in shock over creepy naked photos

FORMER Bachelor contestant Megan Marx is reportedly in shock after discovering that naked photos taken without her consent are being circulated online. The Daily Telegraph alerted her to the images, which were reportedly taken while she was asleep.

FORMER Bachelor contestant Megan Marx is reportedly in shock after discovering that naked photos taken without her consent are being circulated online.

The Daily Telegraph alerted her to the images, which were reportedly taken while she was asleep.

The 27-year-old reality TV star has described the incident as “quite horrific” and says she feels betrayed.

“Obviously, if someone’s taken [nude] pictures of you sleeping it’s incredibly weird and creepy and inappropriate,” Megan told the Telegraph.

“It just shows that you don’t ever fully know anybody.”

The WA native hasn’t yet decided whether to report the matter to police, but suspects she knows who’s behind it.

“I have a pretty good idea of who it was, but I’ve had a couple of ex-boyfriends so I can’t confirm,” she said.

It follows rumours Megan is dating fellow Bachelor contestant, Tiffany Scanlon.

Rumours have been swirling for weeks that the pair’s close friendship may actually be a blossoming romance, thanks to a lengthy series of bizarre naked photo shoots and ‘couple shots’ with gushing captions.

According to OK!, Megan refused to deny the pair was dating when asked.

“I think you can probably tell from the pictures that have been posted that we don’t have the most conventional relationship,” she said.

The final episodes of The Bachelor Australia will screen 7:30pm tonight and tomorrow on Channel Ten.

