Rock Stars Who Are Unrecognizable In Normal Everyday Life

While most rock stars do, in fact, do it all for the nookie (come on!), Wes Borland and his band Limp Bizkit are the only ones willing to just admit it. Merging rap, rock, and the regret a majority of 30-somethings feel for buyingthat album, The Biscuit Boyz (not a real nickname) were one of

While most rock stars do, in fact, do it all for the nookie (come on!), Wes Borland and his band Limp Bizkit are the only ones willing to just admit it. Merging rap, rock, and the regret a majority of 30-somethings feel for buying that album, The Biscuit Boyz (not a real nickname) were one of the biggest bands of the early aughts, and Wes Borland was a big reason why.

No matter your thoughts on the lasting power of lyrics like "so you can take that cookie and stick it up your yeah," there's no doubt Borland was an ace on the ax, helping shape the sound that drove them to the top. And he did it, famously, buried under a mountain of makeup, masks, and elaborate costumes that left him unrecognizable. That's why, offstage, it's almost jarring to see that Borland looks like a typical bro, as comfortable sporting a polo shirt as a primordial monster mask.

