Is this story of Tigers fight with Elin accurate? (update: Snopes)

Update: Thanks to Peanut who wrote that she received an e-mail forward with this same story. It turns out that its been making the rounds for a while. I checked Snopes and they conclude that its a likely mixture of truth, falsity, exaggeration and speculation. Its pretty much like your average Star Magazine article then.

Update: Thanks to Peanut who wrote that she received an e-mail forward with this same story. It turns out that it’s been making the rounds for a while. I checked Snopes and they conclude that it’s a likely “mixture of truth, falsity, exaggeration and speculation.” It’s pretty much like your average Star Magazine article then.

I might be inclined to dismiss this story, but it appears on the blog of a 91 year-old retired sports journalist named Furman Bisher. Bisher is the former sports editor of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and has earned numerous awards in his long career, including being named by Time as one of the nation’s best columnists in 1961. That doesn’t mean this story is accurate, just that the source isn’t dubious. It’s probably spin from Tiger’s camp meant to make him look like the wounded victim.

Anyway according to a friend-of-a-friend type scenario, Tiger’s wife Elin is probably not leaving him, Tiger is no longer seeing Rachel Uchitel on the side, and Tiger’s face was so damaged by his wife that he had to get intensive plastic surgery on the down low in Phoenix. It’s all a little too sympathetic to Tiger.

Yesterday we heard that Tiger was spotted at a party in Palm Beach over the weekend holding hands with the head mistress, Rachel Uchitel, who just happened to fly down to Florida after the scandal broke. That was quickly followed by a ridiculous story in People that claimed that Rachel was alone at a club that night and that onlookers were wowed by how pretty she was and what a great body she had. Oh and a guy was there that was really into her, but she couldn’t be bothered with him. Obviously that story was planted by Rachel.

Now we’re hearing that poor Tiger was hurt and had to get a lot of surgery and counseling. I’m not buying it, but since we only have rumors as to his whereabouts it’s hard to tell. Here’s the relevant parts of the story:

How Elin confronted Tiger
When Tiger returned home around 11:30 -12 that night, Elin confronted him about the text message in the phone, and the started a heated discussion to its regards. According to what I was told, there was more “incriminating evidence” than just the text message (i.e. photos). Tiger tried to play it off to Elin by telling her she was reading too much in to it, and did not know the story, etc. Tiger went upstairs to change into his gym shorts and t – shirt, came back down, and Elin confronted him again; to which Tiger gave the same story.

Elin clocked Tiger with the golf club
Tiger sat down in a chair in the living room, and Elin sat across from him urging Tiger to just come clean. Tiger stayed to his guns and denied everything. At one point Tiger turned away to look at the TV, and as he turned back, Elin hit him on the right side of the face with the head of a 9 – iron. When she struck Tiger, she put a huge gash in the right side of his face next to his nose (causing his nose to bruise some), and virtually knocking two of his upper teeth out, and breaking the bone on the upper right side.

The accident happened
Tiger ran scared as hell out of the house (which is why he had on no shoes) with Elin swinging the golf club throughout the hallway to the garage (i.e. causing the severe damage which has been reported). Tiger hoped in the Escalade and tried to leave; and as we know Elin knocked out the windows in the Escalade. When Tiger crashed, Elin panicked and was not sure what to tell the police (which is why there are two conflicting stories from her). When this happened, Elin immediately called Mark Steinberg [Tiger’s agent] to tell him what happened, and Mark told Elin to tell him what hospital they were going to, and he would meet them there.

Tiger was sent to Phoenix for plastic surgery
Tiger is transported to the hospital with Elin in the ambulance, and as they arrive Mark is there waiting for them. The people from the hospital and the doctors take Tiger in for X-Rays etc to check out the damage caused. The doctors tell Mark there is not much they can do to repair the teeth and the gash, but the doctor knows a cosmetic dentist and plastic surgeon in Phoenix who will make Tiger look as if nothing happened. Tiger tells Mark to get the jet ready and let’s head to Phoenix to get this done. Friday after Tiger is released from the hospital, he does not return home; he and Mark board the plane for Phoenix. If you remember FHP kept showing up at Isleworth to talk to Tiger, and was told by another FL attorney (who Tiger hired for PR reasons) Tiger was not ready to talk. Well now we know why, he was in Phoenix, and did not arrive back in Orlando until either late last Wednesday night or early Thursday morning. The surgeries were more intense than what they had originally planned, which meant Tiger was in PHX longer than he should have been.

Tiger and Elin are working things out
Upon arriving back in Orlando, Tiger and Elin have been in intense marriage counseling sessions (up to 6 to 7 hours a day) every day! Both Tiger and Elin have told the counselors they love each other, and want to make the marriage work. The reports you are reading on TMZ and RadarOnline are about 30% accurate at best according to Mark.

Tiger is not with Rachel
In regards to Tiger’s boat being in Palm Beach this week, along with Rachel; that part is true. However, Tiger is not on the boat, and is not in Palm Beach; and Rachel is not on the boat. Her parents live 6 blocks from where the boat is, but that is it. Tiger has not returned to his house at Isleworth since the day of the accident except for the therapy sessions.

Tiger is supposedly getting advice from Arnold Palmer
IMG has enlisted the assistance of one of its most recognized sports figures, and Tiger has taken up residence in his neighborhood, Bay Hill. IMG contacted Arnold Palmer because of the high regard in which Tiger holds Arnold. Arnold has agreed, and IMG has said if anyone can get through to Tiger, Arnold may be the only person who can, based on his public persona when he was at the height of his game as well.

Elin is not moving out
The moving trucks being shown on TMZ and RadarOnline are moving out pictures and furniture which was damaged during their Thanksgiving Day argument; not of her moving out. Yes, Elin has retained a divorce attorney, but has not filed any papers, and as of yesterday had no intention on doing so. Tiger has not made any public appearances or statements due to the surgery and plastic surgery he had in PHX. It will be about another month if not more before he gets in front of a camera. Yes, Tiger is hitting golf balls late at night at Bay Hill out of their teaching center (which is equipped with lights).

[From Bisher Unleashed, subheaders added]

So now we have a thorough account of what allegedly went down at Tiger’s house and how he’s coping. Again, it all sounds straight from Tiger’s camp and has a definite “poor Tiger” angle with no mention of the 12-plus mistresses. I can buy the part that Elin smacked Tiger with a 9 iron and wrecked up the house. That’s consistent with earlier reports along with the accident details. If that’s what happened it’s pretty despicable. There’s no excuse for that kind of violence no matter how much he was cheating. As for whether Tiger had to have plastic surgery immediately, that’s possible and it would explain why he hasn’t been photographed. I don’t believe that Tiger isn’t seeing Rachel, though, and that she’s just in the same area coincidentally. This story is spin.

The NY Post claims this story is a “hoax letter” and that Tiger is seeing Rachel. They claim she also puts out of a lot of news in order to raise her profile. After that People story, I’d have to agree. According to the Post, Tiger is not in rehab yet but his people are urging him to go.

There’s a related story on paparazzi agency X17’s site that claims that Tiger has been in Phoenix at a rehab facility for a few days. Whatever he’s up to, Tiger is definitely laying low and hoping this scandal will blow over. That’s not likely considering that it’s probably the biggest one we’ve heard this year.

Photos are from 11/9/09. Credit:


