How tall is Drew Basile? Survivor 45 contestant's whereabouts explored

Survivor 45's quirky, witty personality, Drew Basile, has been the subject of many fans' interest. For a significant duration of the competition, he was a frontrunner, but his journey came to an end when he didn't make it to the final five. His gameplay intrigued many, as he managed to "control votes" for a few

Survivor 45's quirky, witty personality, Drew Basile, has been the subject of many fans' interest. For a significant duration of the competition, he was a frontrunner, but his journey came to an end when he didn't make it to the final five. His gameplay intrigued many, as he managed to "control votes" for a few weeks with his strong performances and strategic alliances.

Since the recent development in the game led to his elimination, audiences have wanted to learn more about this nerdy, strong player who had them hooked until the very end.

Drew Basile is a 23-year-old who stands tall at 6 feet and 2 inches. He is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. While he hails from the state of Michigan, he shifted his life to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to work when the pandemic was ongoing. He describes himself as "smart, witty, and dynamic," and his co-contestants and fans are in complete agreement.

Drew Basile's life before Survivor 45

A fan-favorite contestant from the latest season of Survivor, Drew Basile, has just been eliminated from the show. After getting inchingly closer to the finale, he didn't manage to secure a spot in the top five.

Since the 23-year-old stayed on for many episodes and his wit and tactics impressed the audiences, they're inquisitive about his whereabouts and the life he led before his time in the spotlight.

A popular question that's often asked of him is how tall he is. This intellectual Survivor has a towering height of 6 feet and 2 inches.

Drew Basile was born in Birmingham, Michigan, on September 25, 2000. Not much information is available online about his father. His mother, Manya, frequently posts pictures of him on her social media, expressing her pride in his accomplishments.

He kicked off his higher education by receiving a bachelor's degree in English language and literature/letters. Having graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with "stellar" grades, he had his eyes set on Oxford University.

Drew was offered a grant to pursue his further education there, in the form of the "Barry Scholarship." From 2020 to 2021, he worked as a researcher for an organization called Your Language, My Ear, which was a "poetry symposium."

Following this, in 2021, he also played the role of acquisition intern at the University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.

In a conversation with Parade before filming Survivor season 45, Drew Basile shared that he looks for "loyalty and experience" in his alliance partners. During this interaction, he also expressed his keen interest in trivia, writing, and playing Scrabble.

The castaway also took his trivia knowledge to the national level and led a team that even won the championship! Drew Basile considers this his "greatest accomplishment."

He hoped his mind games would be able to compensate for his "weak physical game." While he's always been a strong competitor to win the title of Sole Survivor, his game plan backfired right towards the end.

Drew Basile was planning to gather votes to eliminate Julie, however, in a turn of events, Katurah and Dee were on a mission to get Drew eliminated.

The competition is now down to the final five castaways, and the grand prize is closer than ever. The tension is rising, alliances are breaking and betraying, and now it's each Survivor for themselves.

Survivor season 45 episode 13 will be available to stream on December 20 at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.

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