Did Lil Wayne ever get banned from the NBA? All you need to know about his back-and-forth with Miami

Lil Wayne is one of the most popular artists and a big fan of basketball. Unfortunately, he's had some bad blood with several NBA players, including LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, and Chris Bosh. The rapper is not a big fan of the Miami Heat, that's for sure. Back when the Eastern Conference team dominated the

Lil Wayne is one of the most popular artists and a big fan of basketball. Unfortunately, he's had some bad blood with several NBA players, including LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, and Chris Bosh.

The rapper is not a big fan of the Miami Heat, that's for sure. Back when the Eastern Conference team dominated the league, Wayne attended a few of their games and was ejected from one of them.

Due to this, the rapper was furious and started publicly hating the Heat. He also falsely stated that the NBA banned him from attending games, which was not the case.

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Lil Wayne's NBA ban never happened

The popular rapper is no stranger to drama. He's attended numerous NBA games and has been kicked out of a few of them. However, he was very angry after getting thrown out of the Heat's game against the Los Angeles Lakers.

"When I say f**k, you say NBA. When I say f***k, you say the Miami Heat," the rapper said during his concert in Houston, shortly after the Heat-Lakers game.

He also claimed that the NBA banned him from attending games, which was not true.

The popular rapper attended many NBA games (Image via Getty Images)

To make the situation even worse, Lil Wayne claimed that he slept with Adrienne Bosh, Chris Bosh's wife. While no one has ever confirmed this to be factual, it's clear that the rapper had a lot of hatred for the Heat.

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The artist has also falsely claimed that he was ejected out of the Heat-Lakers game for simply rooting for the Lakers. In the end, it turned out that Lil Wayne decided to leave the game himself.

Chris Bosh's wife has found herself getting attacked by the rapper too (Image via Getty Images)

Tim Frank, Senior Vice President of the NBA, denied Lil Wayne's allegations, saying they were not true and that the hip-hop star was not banned from attending games.

The Lakers-Heat game had a lot of basketball stars

The game the rap star attended was very interesting and featured some of the greatest stars in the basketball world. The Los Angeles Lakers had Kobe Bryant and Dwight Howard, but were a few games under .500.

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Kobe Bryant scored 28 points against the Miami Heat (Image via Getty Images)

The Miami Heat, on the other hand, had a trio of LeBron, Wade, and Bosh, as well as several other big-time players like Ray Allen and Rashard Lewis.

Despite having Lil Wayne's support, the Lakers ended up losing the game, 107-97. Kobe Bryant scored 28 points on 11-for-19 shooting, but that wasn't enough to stop Wade and LeBron, who combined for 62 points on 24-for-36 shooting.

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